The happy ear

The happy ear
Musical pills to bring happiness to our ears

miércoles, 18 de abril de 2012

Steppenwolf - Born to be Wild (Live + Easy Rider Soundtrack)

El grupo Steppenwolf (como el libro de Hesse) creó un himno a la libertad con su "Born to be Wild". Parte de la trascendencia de este tema se debe a que formó parte de la banda sonora de la mítica película "Easy Rider" y también porque se dice que en esa canción es la primera vez que se oye la expresión "heavy metal".

The band Steppenwolf (named after the Herman Hesse novel) created "Born to be Wild", a song that became an ode to freedom Part of the significance of this song is because it was part of the soundtrack of the legendary film "Easy Rider" and also because it's said that this was the first time that the term "heavy metal" appeared in the lyrics of a song.

Steppenwolf - Born to be Wild (Easy Rider Soundtrack)

Steppenwolf - Born to be Wild (Live)

2 comentarios:

  1. Seraffín J. Cruces19 de abril de 2012, 23:01

    muy buenos, gran clásico y verdadero espíritu libre americano... fantástico...
