The happy ear

The happy ear
Musical pills to bring happiness to our ears

lunes, 16 de marzo de 2015

Brahms - Clarinet Quintet

Mucha gente conoce las magníficas sinfonías de Brahms (la 4ª tal vez sea una de mis sinfonías favoritas de todos los tiempos). Sin embargo, hoy me apetece traer su música de cámara. El quinteto para clarinete es una maravilla. Como muestra: el segundo movimiento (entre los minutos 3 y 7 aprox. es espectacular).

Many people know about the gorgeous Brahms's symphonies (the 4th is perhaps one of my favorite symphonies of all time). However, today I want to bring his chamber music. The Clarinet Quintet is wonderful. As a sample: the second movement (the fragment between approx. minutes 3 and 7 is spectacular).

Brahms - Clarinet Quintet (Endymion Ensemble)

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